Oxford Grad

Meet Donald Cohen, the supervising sound editor for the classic Beatles’ hit “The Yellow Submarine.”
Cohen’s rich career includes editor of “Heidi” (1968), a TV movie directed by Oscar winner Delbert Mann; editor of “Upon this Rock” (1970), a major TV documentary that featured Orson Wells; and editor of cult classic “Five Golden Dragons”(1967). To round off his creative career, Cohen became a member of the Union Suisse des Photographes Professionnels through which he has exhibited his photography in Switzerland, Italy and London.
What is Cohen up to now?
It wasn’t until later in life that Cohen realized poetry is the best creative medium of all. Drawing inspiration from his life and travels, Cohen recently released his new collection of poetry, “Late Beginner.” The vivid cover of this new book came from Cohen’s own photography collection.
This new collection conveys the profound impact poems have on individuals’ thoughts and insights about life, if they are open to it. Through his poetry, Cohen frames the colorful and sometimes harsh truths about aging, religion, war and peace and the human condition.
“As the title indicates, the idea of actually collecting what I had written came late, so there was less time to encompass my experiences,” Cohen said. “Poems, if they survive, seem to have a life of their own.”
Poetry transcends time and place, and that is precisely what Cohen wants to portray to readers. He seeks to inspire others to consider their own passions, no matter what stage of life they are in.