Sea Moon Poem Shapes]

An artist of many forms, Melody Lemond has only recently discovered that the written word could be a springboard for sharing — where one’s thoughts, dreams, aspirations, and soul intentions can find a foothold in reality. It was her sojourn with a welcoming forum of word wielders — fellow poets in social media — that brought her to the wonderful world of finely crafted words.
Inspired by her fellows in social media, Lemond took the plunge into word-crafting. Her works met with such praise from her peers that she felt encouraged to share them in “Sea Moon Poem Shapes” (published by Xlibris AU). A collation of mystical poetry shrouded in flowing shapes, her book explores a range of themes such as the beauty of dance, the power of music, of theatre and of what she sees as “our relationship with nature and our own transformation.” It also includes tributes of a personal nature, one to Marcel Marceau and another to Orlando, a blind actor.
Complemented by Jean-Paul Avisse’s artwork, Lemond’s poems take on elegant, flowing shapes that embrace their original content. A work of contemporary poetry, “Sea Moon Poem Shapes” is immediate in its messages and the meanings it conveys, while maintaining an air of the mystical.