Algerian poetess Noria Adela

Algerian poetess Noria Adel will participate from 4 to 6 September in the 9th Mediterranean Literature Festival of Floriana (Malta) alongside a dozen of authors from the Mediterranean countries.
Born in 1980, Noria Adel wrote several collections of poems in French, including “Damas/Alger” (Damascus/Algiers), "L'Allumeur de réverbères" (The Lamplighter) and "Entorse géométrique" (Geometric sprain).
This festival will be marked by the presence of several poets and writers, including Antoine Cassar, Clare Azzopardi, Walid Nabhan and Marlene Saliba.
This festival, created in 2006 by the non-governmental Maltese organization "Inizjamed,” aims at promoting the writers and literary productions of the Mediterranean.