Egyptian actor Salah el-Saadany says he is happy to have highlighted the issue of underage marriages in his latest drama, al-Qasserat (Underage Girls), even though it was one of his most challenging roles to date. Saadany plays husband of a young girl in the drama series, and says he had to overcome a psychological hurdle. \"I felt sick every time I was near one of the girls, acting as their husband, but the the wider message we were trying to send to society made it easier for me. \"It was like I playing an animal, being involved in forbidden acts. Marrying ?underage girls is the same as infanticide, its like burying them alive,\" he added. Saadany disclosed that the drama was going to be named Female Infanticide, initially, before the name was changed. Al Qasserat has been written by Samah al Hariry, directed by Magdy Abu Omaira and stars Dalia el ?Behery  Yasser Galal, Nehal Anber and Liqa Suwaidan.