The actor Mohamed Ramadan, told Arabstoday: “I am very happy with the film “Hasal Kheir” (It’s ok), as it is the first time for me to play a comedic role. It is totally different from the roles I did before. The film in general is a symbol of the high-end comedy; this is opinion of all who have watched it.” He said: “I impersonate the role of an Arabic language teacher in this film about difficult life circumstances, which caused him to work as an eastern drummer in order to make a living, so he faces a lot of difficulties”. “I am now waiting to work on the film “al-Almani”, in which I do the play the maine role for the first time, so I feel nervous although I am sure it will be a success”. About the film, he added: “I play the role of a criminal named “al-Almani,” who was originally a normal man but turned him into a criminal after some difficulties”. On whether there are any similarities between this role and the one Ahmed el-Sakka played in the movie “Tito,” Ramadan said that the two roles are entirely different. The film is co-starring Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and Ayten Amer. Mohamed Ramadan is an Egyptian actor who established himself in the field of acting through several works, the first of which was when he embodied Ahmed Zaki in the “Cindrella” series. He was also famous for his physical similarity to Ahmed Zaki.