Egyptian director Peter Mimi is awaiting the release of his new film El-Harameya, The Thieves, a satirical caricature of failed director Saad el-Zanati, who brings together a team of fellow-failures to make a film about the revolution. The film stars Magdi Idriss, Hassan Abdelfattah, Fathi Saad, Diaa el-Mirighni, Hamdi el-Wazir, Amr Yussri and Ayman Beshai, with a cameo by TV satirist Bassem Youssef. This will be Mimi\'s second film after Sabbouba (Bargain), which Mimi\'s pitched to producers whilst working as a urologist but claiming to be a seasoned director capable of handling feature-length films despite his lack of experience. Sabbouba is already in cinemas. The film stars Randa el-Behiri, Ahmed Haroun, Khaled Hamzawi, Ayman Beshai and Wessam Hassan. It is both written and directed by the 25 year old.