After recently completing his religious record “Seedna Al Nabi”’ (our Prophet Mohamad), Hamada Hilal can be found these days doing something of a less spiritual more romantic flavor for Egyptian cinema. He is shooting the closing scenes of his upcoming movie \"Mr. and Mrs. Oweis”, in which he stars alongside Egyptian artist Bushra. The film is about an unsuccessful profligate singer called Oweis (played by Hamada Hilal) who inherits a vast fortune from his father and spends it carelessly on partying, leaving no club unturned. In order to help him become a responsible man, his mother Hana’a Shorbaji tries desperately to find him a suitable wife. Only when she finds the perfect girl Hishmat (played by Bushra), Oweis is having none of it, and does his best to dodge her. This Arab \'Mr. and Mrs. Smith\', if you like, brings our two stars Hilal and Bushra to the brink of marriage. Watch this space! On a personal level, Bushra welcomed her first born, baby “Ismael” in December and this is the first fruit of labor since giving birth.