4, 3, 2, 1, and the countdown begins for the movie premier of \"678\" as the Egyptian film is unveiled in France. Director Mohamed Diab confirmed that his latest film “678” is scheduled to be aired in the French movie theaters after the Cannes International Film Festivals wraps up at the end of May. The movie has already set a record in feathers to its award cap in the international film festival circuit, and has been screened in the likes of Spain, Sweden and Brazil. “678” stars Bushra, Nelly Kareem, Ahmad Al Fishawi, Maged Al Kedwani and Bassem Samra. It was written and directed by Mohamed Diab who revealed that the distribution company asked to double their number of movie copies from the scheduled agreement for airing (80 rather than 40). This popularity is considered a first for any Egyptian movie, as it conquers both the \"Hollywood of the Middle East\" as well as the \'west\'. The movie tells the moving story of three women as they seek justice from the daily experience of sexual harassment in Egypt. Who\'s involved? Fortissimo Films, the multi-national film production Sales and Distribution Company, will be responsible for selling the movie and internationally distributing it. The French film production company “Pyramid” will distribute the movie in the French cities.