Egyptian folk singer Shabaan Abd Al Rahim revealed that he intends on releasing a new song titled “Ya Muhajim Al Ikhwan Hatrouh Min Rabina Feen” (You who attacks the Muslim Brotherhood how can you hide from God”. The song is Shabaan’s way of answering back protesters, who held a demonstration in Egypt’s famous Tahrir Square opposing the Muslim Brotherhood, whose party “Freedom and Justice” won the majority of votes in the recent parliamentary elections. Shabaan expressed his sorrow and disappoint over the way the Muslim Brotherhood are being treated for winning the majority of votes. Shabaan said he is shocked at the way people are viewing the Brotherhood especially after they were the most group that suffered inequality during ousted President Husni Mubarak’s era. The singer stressed the Brotherhood should be given a chance to make a difference and begin reform to bring Egypt back on its own two feet. The song is scheduled to be released in the upcoming few days and it is written by poet Islam Khaleel.