Moroccan singer Saad Lamjarred

Moroccan singer Saad Lamjarred, jailed in France for “aggravated rape,” has been accused of sexual assault for the third time.

This time, the charges were laid by a 28-year-old French-Moroccan woman, said the French Newspaper Le Parisian.

The alleged victim explained that she met Lamjarred in April 2015, during a private party held in Casablanca. While Lamjarraed was allegedly under the effects of both alcohol and cocaine, he tried to kiss her in his private apartment, after she had sympathized with him and agreed to keep him company.

The woman alleged to Le Parisian that “the aggressor” used violence against her, “tearing apart her clothes and slapping her in the face,” before raping her. She did not file a complaint at the time of the incident because of the “shame” she felt.

After learning that two other women had accused Lamjarred of rape, the unidentified victim felt brave enough to demand justice for herself. In October of 2016, she decided to file an official complaint.

She subsequently withdrew it at the end of December, however, because of “heavy pressure” from relatives. That did not prevent the police from investigating the incident further.

Saad Lamjarred was called out of his cell in Fleury-Mérogis prison for a hearing on February 14 and learned of the new charges filed against him by the woman, reported the same source.

The singer denied any knowledge of the incident, and denied ever having met the woman accusing him.

Source :Morocco World News