Advisor to Prime Minister and President PML-N KP Engr. Ameer Muqam.

Advisor to Prime Minister and President PML-N KP Engr. Ameer Muqam has urged the party workers to get ready themselves for the February 4 huge public meeting to be addressed by former prime minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in Peshawar.
He expressed this while addressing a gathering of the PML-N Peshawar City District workers. He called upon the workers to spread the message of the PML-N to every nook and corner of the province and ensure maximum participation in the February 4 public meeting.
The PML-N KP would stage a big show of the party to be addressed by Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, he added.
Imran Khan, he said was cursing the Parliament of which he remained member for over four and half year. Imran has received Rs 2.5 million under the head of salary from the same National Assembly which he dubbed as ‘Curse’. Of the total 102 meetings of the National Assembly Imran Khan has attended only two sessions till date, he explained.
Amir Muqam strongly condemned the killing of innocent people in what he termed fake encounters by the Karachi police. The police was ruining the poor families in Karachi for attaining cheap popularity. He made a mention of the killing of Naqeebullah Mehsud by the Karachi police in an alleged fake encounter to substantiate his view point.
He said that we equally shared our grief and sorrow with the heirs of Naqeebullah Mehsud. After the public meeting the advisor to PM also met with party workers at the hujra of Ghaffar Nazim Surezai village. He condole the demise of aunt of Nisar Malik of Urmur Payan on the occasion as well.

Source: APP