High Criminal Court, The Public Prosecution.

The Public Prosecution has completed the investigations in the case of terrorist explosion that killed one policemen and injured two others in Duraz on June 18. The case will be heard by the High Criminal Court on November 1, according to Deputy Prosecutor in the Anti-Terror Crime Prosecution, Khalid Al Tameemi.

The Prosecution referred the defendants to the said court on charges of deliberate murder, illegal possession, handling of explosives and weapons, causing an explosion that killed one policeman, damaging property, illegal training on the criminal use of firearms and explosives and committing terrorist crimes with other accomplices.

The terrorists targeted security patrol vehicles in Duraz area by detonating an explosive device. They reconnoitered and monitored the movement of police vehicles and planted the explosive device after selecting a location to plant it. They planned in cohort to commit such crime. Two of the defendants visited the location of the crime prior to detonating their explosive device. They planted the device shortly before the designated time of implementation. They climbed the rooftop of a nearby building to watch the police vehicles as they pass in the neighborhood where they planted the explosive device. One of the defendants detonated the bomb by pushing the button. The blast resulted in the death of a policeman and inflicting injuries on the others. The blast also damaged nearby public and private property.

One of the suspects was arrested and referred to the Prosecution according to the legal procedures.

The Public Prosecution relied on verbal evidences including witness testimony, technical evidence, CID reports, crime scene images, confiscated electronic devices belonging to the arrestee, in addition to his detailed confession of having committed the crime by himself alongside with accomplices.

Source: BNA