Fayez al Sarrag

The Vienna conference on Libya will start on Monday under the chairmanship of Head of the Libyan Presidential Council Fayez al Sarrag, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni and US Secretary of State John Kerry.

The conference will be attended by representatives from 21 countries, including Egypt, as well as the European Union, the African Union and the Arab League.

Libya's "Bawabet Al Wassat" said a draft statement will be released by the Vienna meeting to consider the Libyan national consensus government as the only legitimate body in Libya as it was stated in the Rome statement of December 2015.

The statement will also praise the Libyan presidential council on setting up the presidential guard body to secure Tripoli and set up an operation room to fight Daesh militants and provide arms to the Libyan troops to control the security situation all over Libya. 

The statement also included a demand to be filed by the Libyan national government to the UN sanctions committee to obtain exceptional weapons to fight Daesh and provide the presidential guard with the necessary weapons to maintain security in the country.

Source ; MENA