President of the UN Security Council Liu Jieyi

President of the UN Security Council Liu Jieyi, of China, called Sunday the Council members for a public meeting in connection with the Council's agenda item, "the situation in the Middle East." The urgent meeting, to be convened later today, will discuss and vote on a draft resolution on Yemen presented by the GCC states.
The foreign ministers of the six GCC countries reiterated in Riyadh yesterday their support of "the legitimate authority" in Yemen and condemned Houthis' detention of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, Prime Minister Khaled Bahhah and the ministers.
They urged the UNSC members to adopt a resolution under Chapter VII of UN Charter, which allows use of military force if there are breaches of peace or acts of aggression.
On February 12, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told the Security Council in a briefing that Yemen is "collapsing before our eyes," and a dangerous political crisis continues in Sanaa. Ban also affirmed that Yemen is facing multiple challenges.