Undersecretaries of GCC ministries of industry to meet Monday

Undersecretaries of the GCC Ministries of Industry will hold Monday a meeting at the GCC General Secretariat headquarters in Riyadh in preparation for the 42nd meeting of the GCC Industrial Cooperation Committee (Ministers of Industry). 
Assistant Secretary General for Economic and Development Affairs at the GCC General Secretariat Abdullah bin Juma Al Shibli said that topics on the agenda covers issues related to the industrial domain including the draft general framework document, and the strategic plan for the development of non-oil industrial exports (2016 - 2030), in addition to other industrial issues, such as modified controls to exempt the industry inputs of customs fees at the GCC States, adjusting the levy on imports of rebar in the GCC countries and others. 
The participants will also look into the follow-up of the member states ratification of the unified Law for Anti-Dumping and Compensatory and Preventive Measures for the GCC countries, and the recommendations of the 15th GCC Industrialists' Conference, held in Kuwait.

Source: QNA