Special Adviser on Yemen Jamal Benomar

United Nations Special Adviser on Yemen Jamal Benomar met with the recently-resigned Yemeni president and prime minister as part of talks to resolve the crisis situation.
Benomar met with President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, Prime Minister Khaled Bahah and a number of accredited ambassadors, including that of Russia, the US and the UK, a statement issued by the UN adviser’s office said.
Benomar will meet with different political groups in Yemen in the coming days, encouraging them to hold talks, the UN statement said.
Yemen's president submitted his resignation Thursday, an hour after the country's cabinet offered its resignation following clashes with Shia Houthi rebels, who had seized control of the presidential palace in the capital Sanaa.
The Houthis, the main opposition force in Yemen, have been carrying out protests in the country since mid-August, demanding the resignation of the Yemeni government. Houthi militias have taken over many Yemeni cities, including parts of Sanaa.