South Korea, US to hold talks on Energy Security Tuesday

South Korea and the United States will hold working-level talks on energy security in Washington D.C. this week, Seoul's Foreign Ministry said Sunday, a move to enhance the allies' coordination over their energy and climate change policies. 
The third "Energy Security Dialogue" will be held on Tuesday, led by Lee Hyung-jong, director-general for climate change, energy and environmental affairs at the Foreign Ministry, and Mary Warlick, US principal deputy assistant secretary of state for the bureau of energy resources, according to South Korea's (Yonhap) News Agency. 
The two sides will discuss their respective energy and climate change policies, and explore ways to bolster cooperation in the areas of clean energy and oil and gas supplies, the ministry said in a press release. They will also exchange views on bilateral, regional and global cooperation in ensuring energy security, it added. 
"The meeting, which will be held amid growing uncertainties in the global energy environment, will contribute to our efforts to explore ways to enhance our own energy security," said the ministry. 
The allies' first energy security meeting was held in July 2013 after Presidents Park Geun-hye and Barack Obama agreed to establish a diplomatic consultative meeting over energy security in May of the same year. The last meeting was held in January 2015

Source: QNA