Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi will embark on a visit to India on September 1 amid efforts to up Indian investments in Egypt to dlrs 8 billion in 2018. 
The three-day visit comes at an invitation from Indian President Pranab Mukherjee to boost bilateral ties and coordinate efforts to confront regional and international challenges, topped by combating terror.
Sisi will hold talks with the Indian president, prime minister and a number of senior officials and businessmen.

The talks are to focus on bilateral relations, regional developments, India's relations with the Arab and African worlds, ways to fight climate change and terrorism within an international context, UN reform as well as protecting the interests of developing nations in the free trade talks.

Egypt and India seek to up trade exchange from 4 billion dollars annually to 5 billion dollars in 2018.

The Egyptian-Indian business council will convene in New Delhi early in September.

The head of the council's Egyptian side, Khaled Abul Makarem, said 14 Egyptian companies will take part in the council.

Sisi's visit marks a turning point in the history of the Egyptian-Indian ties at the political, economic and security levels.

Source: MENA