Youth conference

Egypt's first National Youth Conference, called for President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, will kick off in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el Sheikh on Tuesday.

The three-day conference will discuss a number of issues related to youths and society in a bid to increase interaction between the State and youths, promote youth's awareness of dangers surrounding them and correct many wrong conceptions they may have. 

More than 3,000 youths representing several sectors in addition to high-ranking state and public figures will attend the conference.

Sisi called for the conference during a celebration of the Egyptian Youth Day on January 9.

The conference will include a number of general sessions and workshops on political participation of youths in parliament, youth's vision for developing higher education and scientific research mechanism, violence reasons, illegal migration, role of small and medium-sized projects in fighting unemployment, youths' vision for better economy, and the effect of social media on public opinion.

The Egyptian president has already called 2016 as the year of Egyptian youth.

Source: MENA