Sameh Shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will leave here on Tuesday for Moscow on a visit to Russia that aims at enhancing bilateral relations and holding consultations on a set of regional issues of common interest.

In statements on Monday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid said Shourky's one-day visit to Russia will include meetings with speaker of the Russian parliament (Duma), Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as well as the Russian trade and industry minister who is chairing the joint Egyptian-Russian Committee meeting.

Shourky will also be interviewed by the Russian media including Russia Today TV and Russia 24 channel, one of the most important Russian broadcasts, along with representatives of Russian newspapers.

Abu Zeid said the Egyptian top diplomat's visit to Russia acquires special importance in view of the positive progress achieved in Egyptian-Russian relations, especially the construction of a nuclear power plant in Dhaba, as well as other outcomes of the joint Egyptian-Russian Committee meetings which resulted in clinching a number of agreements in the fields of industry, investment and aviation.

He also said trade and economic relations between Egypt and Russia recorded a notable progress over the past year as the volume of trade exchange hit dlrs 2.8 billion.

The spokesman also said Shourky's talks with the Russian officials will cover the issue of Russian tourism movement to Egypt and Cairo's efforts to bring to normal Russian tourism movement to Egypt, in addition to regional issues of common interest, especially the situation in Syria, Libya, the Palestinian issue and terrorism combat.

Source: MENA