Foreign minister Sameh shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will leave for the German capital Berlin Monday morning on a four-day official visit during which he will meet with German officials including Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and majority leader at parliament (The Bundestag) Volker Kauder.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in statements Sunday the foreign minister will also meet with German businessmen and will have interviews with a number of major German TV channels and newspapers on conditions in Egypt and the Middle East.

According to Abu Zeid, Shoukry's visit comes after the successful and important visit to Germany in June by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, adding that the foreign minister's talks with German officials will focus on means to promote Egyptian-German relations in the political and commercial domains.

He pointed out that the two countries look forward to increasing the volume of trade to more than 4.4 billion euros, adding that some 935 German and joint German companies are working in Egypt with investments of 2.430 billion euros.

Source: MENA