Egyptian FM Sameh Shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met on Monday with a 25-strong delegation of chief editors of countries from central and west Africa.

The delegation's visit is part of regular visits organized by the Egyptian agency for partnership for development, an offshoot of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, for African journalists to reaffirm Egypt's keenness on developing ties with African states.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zaid said Shoukry pointed out during the meeting to the importance of the new Suez Canal project which, he said, represents importance to Egypt and the rest of African states.

Abu Zaid affirmed that Egypt is very is keen on developing ties with African states in covering all aspects of cooperation including in the terror combat domain.

He said that Egypt is also keen on resolving disputes in some African countries including South Sudan, Somalia and Libya in addition to the Great Lakes area.