Sheikh Sabah al-Khaled

First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah arrived in Cairo Saturday to lead Kuwait's delegation to an international conference on Gaza reconstruction, due on Sunday.
The conference, co-sponsored by Egypt and Norway, will feature participation of delegations from 50 countries, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Araby, EU's foreignn police chief and the international diplomatic Quartet's envoy Tony Blair.
It mainly aims to garner international support and contributions to assist in the reconstruction of Gaza's infrastructure, and help the Palestinians overcome their current challenges. Most parts of the Gaza Strip were destroyed in the recent 50-day Israeli aggression on the Palestinian territory.
Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled's delegation includes his office chief Ambassador Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah, the Foreign Ministry's Arab Department Chief Ambassador Abdulhameed Al-Failakawi, Kuwait's permanent representative at the Arab League Ambassador Azeez Al-Daihani and several other officials of the Foreign Ministry.