Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan

H.H. Lt. General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior on Monday reiterated the keen interest of U.A.E. leadership in providing all effective means of response in order to ensure the security and safety of the community and its members of citizens, residents and visitors and to provide high quality of service to them in order to keep pace with the level of progress and development taking place in the country in various fields.

H.H. Sheikh Saif bin Zayed made his remarks as he opened the new building of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Abu Dhabi Police GHQ.
H.H. Sheikh Saif was accompanied by Major General Nasser Lakhraibani Al Nuaimi, Secretary- General of the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, Brigadier Amir Al Muhairi, Deputy Director- General of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammad Bu Rasheed, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and a number of senior officers.
H.H. Sheikh Saif toured the new eight-storey CID building including the reception hall, customer service, training facilities and simulators, and the other different departments of CID.
He was also briefed on current and future plans and programmes of CID.
H.H. Sheikh Saif bin Zayed urged the employees to preserve the modern facilities and equipment, the sustainability of the new building, continuously develop their work methods, maintain quality and to always be dedicated to serving the public.