President Obama to travel to Dallas on Tuesday for memorial service

US President Barack Obama will travel to Dallas, Texas, to deliver remarks at an interfaith memorial service at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center with the families of the fallen police officers and members of the Dallas community. 

"On Tuesday ... the President will travel to Dallas, Texas to deliver remarks at an interfaith memorial service at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in a statement.

Obama will also meet privately with the families of the fallen police officers and those who were injured to personally express the nation's support and gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

Former US president George W. Bush and his wife will also attend.

Meanwhile, Dallas Police Chief David Brown, in an interview with CNN, said that the gunman who killed five police officers in Dallas was plotting larger attacks.

He added police found bomb-making materials and a journal at the shooter's home that suggested he'd been practicing detonations and appeared ready to take aim at larger targets.

He said the shooter, Micah Johnson, "obviously had some delusion. There was quite a bit of rambling in the journal that's hard to decipher."

Among Dallas investigators' current goals: Figure out what Johnson had meant by "RB," lettering that Brown said he'd written on the wall in blood before his death.

Source: MENA