President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Egyptian President Abelfatah Al-Sisi, his Sudanese counterpart Omar Al-Bashir and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn are scheduled to hold talks later on Monday in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on various issues of joint interest, namely water sharing.
It was officially declared that President Al-Sisi headed to Khartoum earlier today. Officials said the trilateral meeting will tackle key issues, namely water sharing of the Nile and "unresolved matters related to Ethiopian Dam venture." President Al-Sisi is also due to proceed to the Ethiopian capital where he will address the parliament.
Early this month, foreign ministers of Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia declared a tentative accord on sharing of the Nile waters, and resolving a dispute over a hydroelectric dam, Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam, being being built by Addis Ababa.
Egyptian officials have expressed concern the dam project might trim volume of the water reaching the Egyptian territories.