Preparatory meetings for Arab Summit start Wednesday

Preparatory meetings for the 27th Ordinary Arab Summit, set for July 25, will kick off here on Wednesday.

Senior officials of the Arab League Social and Economic Council will start their preparatory meetings on Wednesday. On Thursday, a meeting for the permanent delegates of the Arab League member-states will be held and it will be followed by a preparatory meeting of the Arab foreign ministers.

On Friday, the Arab Social and Economic Council will convene at the level of senior officials. A meeting for the Arab foreign ministers will be held on Saturday in preparation for the summit meetings.

Arab Summit is set to kick off on Monday as Mauritania will be handed over the presidency of the summit from Egypt represented by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

Mauritania has finalized all logistical and technical preparations for the summit.

The summit's agenda will include crises in the Arab region, Arab national security, terrorism combat, the establishment of a joint Arab force, the Palestinian issue as well as means of upgrading the Arab League foundations and activating joint Arab action.

The summit will issue Nouakchott Declaration that will include all recommendations and resolutions approved by the summit.

Source: MENA