French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian

Visiting Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab on Tuesday conferred with French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at the French Defense Ministry premises here.

Mahlab was given a red-carpet reception and reviewed the guards of honor upon his arrival at the Defense Ministry premises.

Mahlab is currently on a visit to France accompanied by a number of ministers and Head of the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Mamish.

Their talks covered the latest developments in the region, means of bolstering cooperation in all domains, especially the military one.

The French foreign minister has reiterated his country's full support to Egypt in its fight against terrorism, noting that Egypt and France face a common enemy whose approach totally contradicts the Islamic teachings.

The minister also said the French-Egyptian cooperation is growing, the latest of which was the clinching of agreements on Egypt's purchase of Rafale jets as part a strategic partnership reached between the two countries in face of the security threats.