French President Francois Hollande

French President Francois Hollande on Monday left Doha heading for Saudi Arabia, RFI reported.

Hollande will be the first Western head of state to attend a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) annual gathering when it meets in Riyadh on Tuesday.

Hollande boosted ties in the Gulf on Monday as he oversaw the deal for the sale of 24 Rafale fighter jets.

"If we are present here in Qatar and the region it is because France is considered a reliable country which a partner country can give their confidence to," said Hollande as Paris tries to deepen political and economic relations with the Gulf monarchies.

The 6.3-billion-euro contract – the third one this year for Dassault after deals to sell Rafale to Egypt and India – also includes MBDA missiles and the training of 36 Qatari pilots and 100 technicians by the French military.

"Good choice," Hollande said as the deal was signed.

At the signing ceremony, Hollande also hailed France's ties with Gulf countries and his invitation to the GCC summit.

"It is an honor for France, a sign of friendship and of confidence," he said.