Jean-Marc Ayrault

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault will arrive in Cairo on Wednesday for a two-day visit to meet President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.

The talks with the Egyptian side will address bilateral relations and regional files, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said.

The French foreign minister will also participate in a ministerial meeting of a mini-committee emerging from the Arab Peace Committee (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Palestine) 

with the presence of Arab League Secretary General Nabil el Araby to present a French initiative for holding an international summit to revive the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, the spokesman said.

Ayrault will also meet with representatives of the Egyptian civil society, Nadal said.

His accompanying delegation will include special envoy for the peace summit initiative Pierre Vimont.

Source: MENA