Arab League Council

An extraordinary session of the Arab League Council will be held at the level of permanent delegates on Monday to discuss facing Israeli penetration in Africa.

In statements on Thursday, Palestinian Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative to the Arab League Jamal al Shubaki said that the meeting, held upon a request of Palestine, aims at discussing Israel's penetration into Africa, citing Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attendance of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Summit in Liberia.

Israel seeks to gain African countries' support for it with the view to diminishing the Palestinian cause in the African continent, Shubaki said, citing Israel's plan to organize the Africa-Israel Summit in Togo in October.

Shubaki also hailed Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit's efforts to promote joint Arab action to doom to failure Israel's nomination for the coming UN Security Council election that will be held in mid-2018.

The elections are for five non-permanent seats on the UN Security Council for two-year mandates commencing on January 1, 2019. It marks the first time that Israel will be a candidate for the council.

Source: MENA