Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia in April at the invitation of King Salman, Egyptian official MENA news agency reported.

The report said that Saudi ambassador to Cairo and permanent representative at the UN, Ahmed Qattan, welcomed President Sisi's coming visit to the kingdom and said "it is going to be a successful visit."

Qattan said in a statement in Cairo on Thursday that the talks between Salman and Sisi at the Arab summit on Wednesday were distinguished and overwhelmed by the spirit of harmony, understanding and brotherliness.

"The coming period will witness further cooperation in all political, economic, development, cultural and educational fields between the two close countries," MENA quoted Qattan as saying.

Relations between Cairo and Riyadh have been going through ups and downs over the past year, which are believed to be related to their different visions on the Syrian and Yemeni crises.

Source: Xinhua