Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar paid a visit to the New Suez Canal on Tuesday to inspect measures to secure the waterway and preparations for the inauguration ceremony on August 6.

The New Suez Canal is a bridge to the future, Abdel Ghaffar said as he followed up the security situation in the Canal city of Ismailia.

He also met with chairman of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) Mohab Mamish, who thanked him for efforts exerted by the security apparatus to protect workers on the site.

Mamish said he and the workers greatly appreciate sacrifices of the policemen for the sake of Egypt.

He presented Abdel Ghaffar an SCA shield as a token of appreciation.

The interior minister was pleased with efforts of the workers, who were able to implement the project in a record time.