Adventurer Ahmed Haggagovic

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid received on Wednesday Egyptian adventurer Ahmed Haggagovic.

The meeting came as part of current efforts to promote Egypt and deliver a clear image about the situation in Egypt.

The meeting discussed the content of a message to be delivered by Haggagovic in his tours around the world.

The content included the progress on the Egyptian economic track and achieving stability, promoting Egypt as a tourist destination, and investment opportunities in Egypt.

The meeting also took up the upcoming visit of the renowned Egyptian adventurer to China.

During the meeting, Abu Zeid affirmed the Egyptian Foreign Ministry's support for the efforts of Haggagovic in promoting Egypt and peace around the world.

Haggagovic is an Egyptian globe trotter, adventurer, and expert in international tourism. Known as "Ibn Batuta of the 21st century" and the "extraordinary ambassador" of Egypt, and the "ambassador of world peace", his mission is to be the first human in history to travel to all the countries of the world in order to spread the values of peace, and to break stereotypes and correct the wrong thoughts about the world's countries. He raises the Egyptian flag in all these countries.