
Egyptian Ambassador in Tunis Nabil Habashy that an Egyptian delegation grouping senior officials and businessmen will visit Tunisia on Wednesday.

In statements to MENA on Tuesday, ambassador Habashy said the delegation will discuss preparations for the Egyptian-Tunisian follow-up ministerial committee meetings that will start on Thursday.

Egyptian International Cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr will arrive in Tunis on Thursday to lead the Egyptian side to the two-day meetings, he added.

Tunisian Minister of Trade and Industry Ziad al Azary will lead the Tunisian side to the meetings, the Egyptian diplomat noted.

The meetings will review final arrangements for the Egyptian-Tunisian Higher Committee meetings, set for Cairo in early 2017, with the Egyptian and Tunisian premiers participating, he said.

On the sidelines of the committee meetings, the Egyptian-Tunisian partnership forum will be held to discuss beefing up trade exchange and removing all obstacles to trade and economic cooperation between Egypt and Tunisia, the diplomat added.

Source: MENA