Foreign minister Sameh shoukry

Egypt will take part in the international conference on Libya which will be held at ministerial level in Rome Sunday.

Italy and the US called for holding the conference in Rome in order to help the conflict-torn Libya form a unified government in order to confront Daesh terrorist group.

Earlier, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry underlined, during the 7th ordinary ministerial meeting of neighboring countries of Libya, the need for reaching a political solution in Libya before the end of this month.

Libya has been witnessing a rising insurgency by different rebel groups and militias and an increasing use of weapons since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in 2011.

Daesh now controls Gaddaffi's hometown Sirte in the east, and experts say the town has become a new focal point for the terrorist group as it comes under increasing pressure in its traditional Iraqi and Syrian power bases.

Meanwhile two competing governments vie for power and resources of the country, while armed groups are still engaged in battles.

Sources: MENA