Egyptian foreign ministry

The Foreign Ministry is coordinating with the relevant Egyptian bodies and the Arab League General Secretariat preparations to host the upcoming Arab Summit, which will be held in Sharm el Sheikh on March 28-29.
The Arab Summit will be the first to be held in Egypt after the January 25 and June 30 Revolutions, said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Badr Abdel Aatti.
The Arab Summit will coincide with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Arab League, he added.
Abdel Aatti, meanwhile, said that the Summit will be held in light of several challenges and threats which are besetting Arab countries.
All these challenges require from Arab countries to unit and work to renounce division, he added.
The Summit will discuss a range of important issues, topped by challenges of the Arab national security along with the latest developments in the Palestinian cause and the situation in Syria, Libya and Yemen.
The Arab leaders will start to flock to Egypt on March 27, he said, adding that the summit will be held on March 28-29.
Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will hold a joint press conference on March 29 with AL chief Nabil el Araby, he added.