State Councilor Yang Jiechi

State Councilor Yang Jiechi met with Namibian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah on Tuesday.
Yang said China had always viewed Namibia as an important cooperative partner and one of the priorities of its African policy.
Hailing the sound development of bilateral ties in recent years, Yang hoped that the two sides could give play to the advantages of political mutual trust, traditional friendship and economic complementarity, to comprehensively deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and better serve the interests of their people.
Ndaitwah said Namibia and China enjoy a long history of friendship.
Namibia is ready to work with China to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthen coordination in international affairs, so as to jointly safeguard the just rights and interests of developing nations, said Ndaitwah.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi also met with Ndaitwah earlier Tuesday.

Source: Xinhua