Prince Khalifa bin Salman (C)

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has urged all to be fully committed to national interests, and contribute to the national action on that basis.
He stressed that belonging should be to the all-inclusive block –Bahrain; otherwise national efforts will be fragmented and weakened.
He made the statements as he received here today the Shura Council Chairman Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh, former Speaker Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Dhahrani, First Deputy Speaker Ali Abdulla Al Aradi, Second Deputy Speaker Abdulhaleem Murad, MPs, and senior state officials.
HRH Premier underscored the government's keen interest to strengthen the existing solid ties with the Council of Representatives.
He said the government welcomes parliamentary monitoring of its action, as stipulated by the Constitution, and even supports the Parliament's legislative and supervisory duties.
HRH the Prime Minister affirmed the government's constant desire to adopt programmes that enhance the services provided for the citizens, and follow-up closely on their implementation in order to ensure that the pre-set goals are achieved.
"The citizens' satisfaction is the success indicator of every development programme, and the main aim of the development process in the kingdom is to achieve that ultimate goal," he said.