Minister Isa bin Abdulrahman (R)

Information Affairs Minister Isa bin Abdulrahman Al Hammadi received the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the Kingdom, Abdul-Redha Abdullah Al-Khoury.
During the meeting, the Minister has praised the close brotherly bilateral relations as an example of cooperation between brethren joined by religious, civilisational, cultural and historic bonds, common destiny and goals, familial relationships, and shared keenness on boosting the Gulf Cooperation (GCC) march from the phase of cooperation to the phase of the Gulf Union.
The minister has affirmed Bahrain's appreciation and pride in the strong supporting stances of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) regarding Bahrain's security and stability and bolstering the reforms and developmental in the prosperous reign of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, wishing the recently-appointed UAE Ambassador success in the duties of his new assignment in the interest of both countries and the welfare of their peoples.
The meeting explored means of boosting bilateral cooperation in the media field, and the exchanging of expertise and information, implementation of bilateral and collective Gulf media projects which will boost Gulf unity and showcase the facts about the comprehensive accomplishments witnessed in both countries and in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)-member countries in all fields.
For his part, the UAE Ambassador has expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Minister of Information Affairs for the good reception and his attention to activation of media cooperation between the two countries, praising the Kingdom's constant distinctive sustainable development in all fields as part of His Majesty the King's reforms.