A meeting of the Saudi-Algerian Joint Business Council in progress on Monday.

Algeria’s Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal is slated to meet with Saudi businessmen in the capital on Wednesday during a visit to the Kingdom.
The Algerian premier’s visit was announced during the Saudi-Algerian Joint Business Council meeting held here at the headquarters of the Council of Saudi Chambers (CSC) on Monday.
Raed Al-Mazrou, chairman of Saudi-Algerian Business Committee, who received a visiting Algerian delegation, said the two countries could cooperate in several areas of mutual interests.
He also said that Saudi investments in Algeria could grow, to reach $10 billion in 2026.
Ali Haddah, who heads the Algerian side, said that cooperation between Algeria and Saudi Arabia has registered considerable progress, particularly in the economic field, due to the solid understanding between the leaderships of the two countries. 
He also said products exported to Algeria could find easy access to European and African markets.
Speaking in Algiers three days ago, Sellal commended the solid Saudi-Algerian relations and expressed his country’s wish to increase the strategic partnership.
According to Sellal, Algeria seeks to boost commercial exchange and direct interaction among businessmen of the two countries, as well as to develop cultural exchange and strengthen cooperation in affairs concerning Haj and Umrah.
Sellal said that both the leaderships and people of the two countries have a special relationship and there is continuous coordination and consultation between them.
“Fields of cooperation and partnership are many, including petrochemicals, fuel, industry, tourism and agriculture. Investment in these sectors is supported by the Algerian government through various facilities,” Sellal said.

Source: Arab News