Algerian PM Abdelmalek Sellal

Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil Al-Araby held talks here on Sunday with Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal on several Arab issues and ongoing efforts to resolve regional problems.
During the meeting, they exchanged views on a number of internatinal issues and efforts being exerted in order to address issues and problems the Arab region is undergoing, the Algerian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Regarding Libya, Al-Araby said that inter-Libyan talks being held in Algiers are making huge progress, while stressing that a political solution is the only way out of the Libyan crisis.
For his part, the Algerian Prime minister said Algeria is ready to contribute to all processes or initiatives targeting a political solutions to regional conflicts in order to promote stability and socioeconomic development in the Arab world.
Al-Araby arrived in Algiers earlier on Sunday on a two-day visit to Algeria where he is expected to meet with top Algerian officials.