Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan (R)

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister, received yesterday Tim Groser, Minister of Trade of New Zealand, who is leading his country's delegation to the meeting of the UAE-New Zealand Joint Economic Committee, which started in Abu Dhabi yesterday.

The New Zealand minister, on behalf of his government, offered his sincere condolences to Sheikh Abdullah on the death of scores of Emirati servicemen participating in the Arab Coalition's 'Operation Restoring Hope' in Yemen.

Sheikh Abdullah welcomed the New Zealand minister and stressed the importance of such visits between officials of the friendly countries within the framework of bilateral cooperation and review of development programmes and progress that both countries have made.

H.H. emphasised the keenness of the UAE to extend bridges of cooperation and ties with New Zealand and efforts aimed at encouraging mutual investment and diversifying avenues of joint cooperation for serving common interests.

During the meeting, the two ministers explored ways of enhancing joint cooperation in vital sectors that are of interest to both the countries, including agriculture and food security. They also exchanged views about several latest regional and international events and developments in addition to matters of common interest.

On his part, Minister Grosser praised the important joint economic and trade partnership, calling for furthering it by harnessing the huge potential and resources available in the two countries.

He also lauded the good reputation and prestigious status that the UAE enjoys internationally, stressing that New Zealand attaches special attention to the enhancement of its ties with the UAE. He also applauded the UAE's efforts to create attractive trade and business environment and favourable destination for international companies to launch their regional operations from the UAE.

Sheikh Sultan bin Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Director of the Department of East Asia and Pacific at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended the meeting.
Source: WAM