Russia destroys Turkish truck convoy headed for Syrian militants -- Erdogan silent

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has met his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov for the first time to discuss the "unacceptable" attack on an aid convoy in Syria, hours after a ceasefire ended, Belfast Telegraph reported.

The Foreign Secretary discussed this week's attack on the convoy in the war-torn country, which resulted in the deaths of 20 civilians, during the talks.

Nobody has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, although the US has said it was either a Russia or Syrian strike which did the damage.

A UK Foreign Office spokesman said Johnson met Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday while the pair were in the US for the United Nations General Assembly.

The spokesman said: "The ministers discussed the crisis in Syria and the increase in violence in recent days, including the recent unacceptable attack on an aid convoy.

"The Foreign Secretary pressed for Russia to use its influence constructively and underlined the need for the international community to work together to resolve the conflict," he said.

"Johnson also raised the situation in Ukraine, where there are continued violations of the Minsk agreements, and stressed the need for a sustainable ceasefire in eastern Ukraine," he added.

"The Foreign Secretary was clear that while ongoing disagreements mean it is too early to normalize diplomatic relations, it is right that both countries continue to discuss important global issues," he said.

Earlier this month Johnson welcomed the US-Russia deal aimed at addressing the crisis in Syria.

Source: MENA