UAE Ambassador meets with Mufti of Kazakhstan

Dr. Mohammed Ahmed bin Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan, has met with Serikbay kazhy Oraz, Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan.

They discussed the existing distinguished relations between the UAE and Kazakhstan in various fields and ways to enhance cooperation between the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Kazakhstan, SADM, and the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Awqaf, GAIAA.

Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan briefed the ambassador about the activities of SADM in the society,especially the youth. He also highlighted the UAE 's charitable and humanitarian works in various areas in Kazakhstan.

Al Jaber said that tolerance in the UAE is a life style and which is obviously seen in the harmony among various nationalities and cultures who live in peace in the UAE. He added that the UAE is playing a pivotal role in promoting the culture of tolerance through pioneering global initiatives in this regard.

The UAE diplomat hailed the development accomplished by Kazakhstan in various domains, especially in the peaceful co-existence and tolerance among religions.