President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on Sunday received Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri in Sharm el Sheikh.

During the meeting, Sisi reiterated Egypt's full support for the unity and sovereignty of Iraq over all its territory.

The president also affirmed Egypt's support for all efforts aiming to restore security and stability in Iraq in the face of current challenges and attempts to sow discord and division among the Iraqi people.

Presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef said Jubouri greeted Sisi on the 150 anniversary of the establishment of the Egyptian parliament.

The Iraqi Speaker also hailed the construction and development process that is currently taking place in Egypt in various sectors.

He hailed Egypt's support for Iraq and its pivotal role as a key pillar of security and stability in the Arab world, and supportive of the Arab unity and solidarity.

Jubouri briefed Sisi on the recent developments on the Iraqi arena, especially the ongoing preparations to liberate Mosul from Daesh control.

He affirmed that his country is determined to eliminate terrorism and restore stability, to open the way to move forward for launching the reconstruction process.

Source: MENA