The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri received today at the "Center House" Fatah Central

The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri received today at the "Center House" Fatah Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad, PLO secretary-general Fathi Abu al-Ardat and the Palestinian ambassador Ashraf Dabbour.

After the meeting, Al-Ahmad said: "We were honored to meet with Prime Minister Hariri. We conveyed to him the greetings and appreciation of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people for the official and popular Lebanese positions, that deserve great respect, and which were received with great satisfaction by the Palestinian people inside and outside the occupied territory.

I informed his excellency of the political moves taken currently by the Palestinian leadership to counter the negative effects of the decision of the US administration and President Donald Trump to relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize it as the capital of Israel, contrary to the UN resolutions that the United States contributed to formulate, approve and vote.

We also discussed means of joint coordination at the Arab, Islamic and international levels with the Palestinian leadership to confront the American decision and maintain adherence to the UN resolutions that confirm the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the territories occupied in 1967 with East-Jerusalem for capital.

We also briefed his excellency on the situation inside Palestine, about the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, women, children, old people and men in resisting the occupation and the settlements and all that may result from the American decision.

We discussed what the Palestinian leadership is thinking about before the meeting of the Palestinian Central Council in less than two weeks, and the Palestinian plan of action, which will be presented to our brothers.

I also thanked Prime Minister Hariri on the recent achievement of the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee and the Lebanese Statistics Center, which is the Palestinian census, and the recommendations that resulted from it."

Source: NNA