Electricity and Water Affairs Minister Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza

Electricity and Water Affairs Minister Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza met executive heads and senior officials of major non-oil companies.

Dr. Mirza explained the background of the setting up of the Sustainable Energy Unit and its two main objectives - to encourage investment in renewable energy as well as to raise the efficiency and rationalization of energy consumption.

The minister spoke of the national objectives adopted by the Council of Ministers. He said the objective of the meeting was to work towards achieving objectives of the National Energy Efficiency Plan (NEEAP) and the National Renewable Energy Plan (NREAP)

The minister reviewed the plans and objectives of the Sustainable Energy Unit along with those of NEEAP and NREAP and their initiatives related to the petroleum, petrochemical and gas industries.

Dr. Mirza also reviewed the activities and achievements of the National Committee to follow up the implementation of these plans, through its agenda and sub-committees emanating from it, and the initiatives that are included in the national plans.

The visitors expressed their readiness to support the national energy plans and the work of the National Committee in addition to their readiness to support the efforts and objectives of the Sustainable Energy Unit.

The minister thanked the attendees for their constructive suggestions and support.

United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Amin Al-Sharqawi, along with senior officials of Bahrain International Airport, Alba, Batelco, Garmco, JBF Bahrain, MAF Investment, Seef Properties, Triebacher Al Zayani and Abu Hussain Fiberglass attended.
