A Lebanese Forces Party delegation visited the Vatican on Thursday within the course of a European tour, where

A Lebanese Forces Party delegation visited the Vatican on Thursday within the course of a European tour, where they met with the State Secretariat's Middle East and Lebanon Official, Monsignor Ionut Paul Strejac. The encounter was a chance to discuss Lebanese concerns and the challenges facing the country at this delicate stage in the history of Lebanon and the Middle East.

The delegation presented the Vatican Foreign Office with an official memorandum including its position on hour issues faced by the Lebanese, in general, and the Christians in Lebanon and in the Middle East region, in particular.

The memorandum emphasized the Lebanese Forces' support for building the State as the only framework that guarantees real partnership between the Lebanese and reinforces the role of Christians in their leadership; a State that has exclusive political and sovereign decision and exclusive arms, a State of law, justice and respect for institutions, one that engages not in surrounding fires and commits to positive neutrality.

The memorandum also stressed the importance of maintaining the country's stability at the security, economic and social levels, especially with the presence of about one and a half million displaced Syrians.

In this context, it reiterated LF's belief that it is time for the displaced Syrians to return to their country, dignified and well-respected, in coordination with the United Nations.

At the Middle East level, the memorandum considered that what restores to Christians their role and effectiveness stems from their values of tolerance and openness, the call for peace, interfaith dialogue, acceptance of the other, respecting the right to disagree and freedom of conscience

Source: NNA