Jordanian Interior Minister Hussein Majali

Jordanian Interior Minister Hussein Majali on Tuesday met with US Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne Richard.
Talks during the meeting dealt with the current developments in the Middle East---particularly the crisis in Syria---and their political, security-related, and economic repercussions on the region and the world.
Majali said that the exchange of security expertise and visits between the two sides would directly contribute to ensuring security and stability and to combating crime, especially in light of the increasing instability in the region. "This requires concerted efforts by all states to address the repercussions and achieve world peace and security," Majali added.
He urged the international community to support Jordan to enable it to deal with the effects of the Syrian crisis and continue providing educational, health and security services to the Syrian refugees.
The US official praised the humanitarian role played by Jordan in alleviating the suffering of the Syrian refugees despite the economic, social, and humanitarian hardships facing Jordan.